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Your Opinion Matters: Share Your Feedback and Concerns

We’re committed to upholding the rights of the people we support, and we strive for excellence and continuous improvement. That’s why we welcome your feedback about any matters. Rest assured, all feedback is recorded and responded to.

You’ve got a few options to share your feedback.

1. Talk to someone face-to-face.

2. If you want someone independent to speak on your behalf, or if you are concerned that there has been breach of Human Rights, there is a range of organisations that can help.

3. For a list of organisations and information specifically about disability services.

4. Pick up a ‘Have Your Say’ form from your local residence or office.

5. Alternatively, you can download the ‘Have Your Say’ form here.

5. Submit the below form.

Have your say

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    Contact us

    Our customer service team is happy to help with any questions or requests. Call us on 1300 698 624 or send us a message with the form below.

    If you are looking for a job please head to careers.vmch.com.au

    Opps! Looks like you’re outside Australia. If you’d like to enquire about support for someone in Australia please call our customer service team on 1300 698 624. If you’re looking a for job, please head to careers.vmch.com.au